Your may pay for your school portraits with cash, check or credit card.
- For cash, please
enclose exact amount, no change will be given on site.
- For check, please
enclose payment in each envelope if you have more than one child. If your check
is returned, it may be re-presented electronically along with a service fee of $35
or less.
- If you need an envelope,
PRINT this form
and attach your check to the back with a staple or paper clip.
- Payments by Credit
card may be made with Visa, Mastercard or American Express only.
Please PRINT this form and include it in your
envelope. Be sure to fill it out completely and sign it. The CVV # is the last 3
digits screen printed on the back of your Visa or Mastercard. It is the 4 digit
number on the front of your AMEX card.