Why Choose Burgad Imaging Inc.?
Local Business supporting Local Community: founders live locally, and hire local
people, which means fast reliable service. Experienced Professional Photographers:
with an average of 23 years of experience. Latest Digital Photography Technology:
Ensures high quality photos through instant retakes
Fast Service: instant ID cards, same-day SASI, 24-hour customer service for school
officials, in-house printing allows for less than 4 week turn-around for underclass
photos, and 5 day turn-around for proms.
Give back to the Community: Princi-Paid allows principals to donate picture packages
to low income families, provides photography training to high school yearbook students,
donates family sittings and packages for numerous auction, donates time and services
for local fundraising like the Light Up the Night fundraiser for the Women's Center
of San Joaquin, the UOP Orange and Blacke Ball, and Presentation's dinner and dance
Active in the Community: member of Professional Photographers of America, Professional
School Photographer of America, and member and speaker for Photo Marketing Association,
Also a member of the Stockton Chamber of Commerce, Lodi Chamber of Commerce, and
Better Business Bureau.
School Photograpy Program
Burgad Imaging Inc. is 100% locally owned and operated since 1994. All Students
are photographed digitally and images are stored in our local Lodi studio location.
This powerful advantage allows us the ability to offer
same day service to print late orders, reorders and more.
School day portraits by professional photographers with competitive prices and the
highest quality.
Guaranteed satisfaction for those who purchase portraits.
Instant Plastic Permanent ID cards for all Students & Faculty. our ID Cards
are in full color and state of the art and customized for each school.
Color Student Identification Books (Principal's Book) of all students photographed
in 5 days or less.
The First to offer Same Day SASI CD'S!
Mini ID Cards, PANORAMIC class photos, Hollywood Look, retouching and Black &
White Portraits.
PRINCI-PAID program:
up to 2% of student body complimentary school photo package to be given to families
in need.
Free monthly digital photography training classes for all yearbook advisors, teachers,
Pocket PIMS is a
Pocket PC with an interactive digital student photo directory.
Burgad Imaging is the first in San Joaquin County to have offered this service in
24x36" Framed photo montage of entire sudent body.
12x36" GIANT Composite Panoramic prints of entire grade or school.
Spring Portraits
without pressure. Our program allows the parent to choose from multiple poses.
Yearbooks: We now
offer Full Color Yearbooks for about the same price as the old Black & White!